Yesterday, I saw a new neurologist who for the first time ( after seeing 4 neurologists ) suggested the pain I feel in my head and scalp is a result of the trauma I experienced in 2014. She said it was a reaction of my body to what had happened and she prescribed me a medication to take which is suppose to help with the pain. She prescribed me an anti depressant for the pain, which I'm not sure whether or not I'm going to take it or not. However, I liked how she actually listened to my symptoms instead of assumed I was just depressed and dismissed what I was saying. The issue I had was when I had suggested seeing a neurosurgeon and she told me most neurosurgeons don't take on patients whom they don't know. They don't want to interfere with another doctor's work. I think that's a cop - out really... It's not realistic to say the person who put your shunt in is the one who has to do the surgeries, it doesn't make sense. You know how unpredictable shunts are and when you have to get it revised, whether or not your doctor is there someone has to fix it. I've already experienced situations when my doctor wasn't available and who ever was there fixed my shunt. We know how well that turned out.....
My mom and I had explain to her how I had been treated by my last neurosurgeon ( ignoring me) which was why I didn't want to see him again. She said she would refer me to a neurosurgeon whom I'll see this summer. I'll see her again in June. I'm tired of fighting with these doctors to 'convince' them I know what I'm taking about when it's related to my shunt.
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