Last month in January, I had the following:
Pain behind my right eye (where I had strabismus surgery) I was told the pain I feel behind one eye or both is not from the surgery I had in 2015. Rather, it's from the internal injuries I had. I also had pain in front of my eye. Felt like a needle was being pushed into it. This is the same pain I've experienced at the top of my head sometimes.
My shunt making self adjustments with a side of nausea. This is better than when it was beeping in 2015 and 2016...I haven't heard any sounds from my shunt since then.
Scissoring issue with my right leg crossing over my left. I didn't fall - I was able to catch myself in time. This is random, as I've mentioned before and happened this morning when I went to turn on a lamp.
Hearing sounds from behind my right eye. I was told this wasn't from my surgery, it's from in the injuries I had.
Right eye drifting issues.
Sometimes pain reliever it helps, other times it doesn't. Depends on where the pain is coming from.
One thing which makes me smile with all this chronic pain nonsense is the soundtrack to Ducktales which encompasses music from both the television series and the nes game Ducktales (1990).
Let's not forget how awesome the music is from Chrono Trigger (1995)
Nintendo therapy with Starfox (1993) was unsuccessful last week - I was having drifting eye and eye focusing issues. You have the point of view of the pilot in this game and there are times when objects are flying towards you quickly plus you have to save your teammates while being attacked by enemies. I was having visual sensory overload - Doesn't usually happen for me with Starfox and I blame atmospheric pressure and brain damage.
I did make a second attempt the following week and only had one game over and was successful in finishing the game on level 1. Of course, this second attempt made me think of a song by Aaliyah.
I'm just one of many people with a shunt, I have my own coping mechanisms. Many children, adults and their families live with chronic pain and chronic illness. Everyone has their own way of coping with this and dealing with pain management.