At last, I received the CD with my Shunt O Gram from June 2016. It's so nice to see and feel my shunt working properly. The ProGav is temperamental as the device has a mind of it's own. Just this past week, the ProGav reacted to the wind, cold and rain storm (from last night). I did not enjoy this. Today things are better. I have to be careful about not verbalizing how I feel as I suspect the ProGav may be self aware and reacts to me having a "good" day. Notes from the x rays are below:
Current profile view my shunt.
Abdomen view of current distal catheter and old catheter (far left) |
Close up of distal catheter (end) |
Notes from VP Shunt series:
Technique: AP and lateral views of the skull; AP and lateral views of the chest; AP and lateral views of the abdomen.
Comparison: None available.
Right frontal ventriculo-peritoneal shunt is seen coursing through the right neck soft tissues, anteriorly through the chest wall, and coiling in the pelvis. Catheter fragments in the right neck soft tissues and right abdominal wall likely represent retained shunt fragments. No evidence of fracture or kink.
VP shunt catheter, as described, without evidence of fracture or